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Susan Collins

Susan Collins R-Maine expressed disappointment Tuesday with the leaked Supreme Court draft that would overturn abortion rights saying if its true she was misled by the justices during their confirmation hearings. It seems unlikely that the veteran politician was duped by some slick misdirection from two consecutive Supreme Court nominees. Wrfkraeoelaaim Senator Susan Collins Latest News May 03 2022 05032022 Senator Collins Statement on Leaked Dobbs v. . Susan Collins SenatorCollins Apr 24 In addition to his legislative accomplishments Orrin was known for his love of music and his family. She assembled a team of 19 lawyers to help her go. Gramlich Collegiate Professor of Public Policy. We cant show her the ugly evidence of the harm outlawing reproductive choice might cause. スーザンマーガレットコリンズSusan Margaret Collins 1952年12月7日 - はアメリカ合衆国の政治家現在は連邦上院議員メイン州選出1997年 - を務めている所属政党は共和党で宗教的にはローマカトリックの信徒である 同じメイン州選出の. Something is loading....